Many people think of groundwork as something only to be done with young or inexperienced horses. In this segment Amelia Newcomb demonstrates how she uses groundwork with a focus on preparing for dressage movements once she’s in the saddle. She also shows common errors that handlers make when attempting work their horses from the ground. […]
From Issue No.38 Correct position means that you are in balance with your horse and you are able to move with him. Amelia Newcomb breaks down basic rider position and discusses the why’s of good rider position. She shows common rider mistakes and demonstrates how they can cause problems in the saddle. Please enjoy a […]
From Issue No.78 Sitting on the berm watching a magnificent horse and its rider schooling the grand-prix inspired me to write about the importance of the human-horse partnership in relation to the quality of gaits. My life’s passion is to blend the education of dressage biomechanics while still nurturing the relationship between the horse and […]
From The Horseman’s Gazette Issue No.35 When executed correctly the Half-Pass can be one of the most beautiful maneuvers in dressage. In this segment Jim Hicks discusses what foundation must be in place before attempting the half-pass and then slowly and methodically demonstrates how to correctly ride the movement. Jim also discusses common rider pitfalls […]
The ability to bend and become supple in both directions is one of the key qualities of all lateral work and ultimately helps to straighten the horse and enhance collection. Schooling the horse’s bend in both directions is paramount. Riding a circle helps the horse and rider achieve this goal. When a horse moves in […]
Achieving the half pass is often begun by introducing a travers (haunches-in) to the horse. In this movement, the horse bends into the direction of the line of travel. This requires a lot of lateral suppleness, and is ridden as a four- track movement at about an thirty five degree angle. The rider’s position is […]
Excerpt from the Horseman’s Gazette Issue No. 32 This segment stems from Jim being asked in clinics how to help a horse begin to learn lateral movement from the ground. He demonstrates how you can develop the feel of and for your horse when asking him to move laterally. You will truly appreciate just how […]
Bringing together artists across the disciplines of riding, dance and music! Saturday, April 27th hosted by Windhorse International, Bethlehem, Conn Sunday, April 28th hosted by Rivendell Dressage, Millbrook, New York Learn more. Both Days are Sure to Fill your Ears, Eyes and Hearts with Wonder Through this educational event, artists will explore the various ways that […]
Tom Dorrance and Ray Hunt will be honored this year in a unique way at a top international equestrian event. It is a gathering that may seem to be an unlikely venue for celebrating the work of two distinguished horsemen of the cowboy persuasion—the Longines FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale) 2017 World Cup Jumping and World […]
Excerpt from the Horseman’s Gazette Issue No. 16 If you have ever wondered what an instructor is looking for and wanting out of a horse and rider this is a wonderful opportunity to be in the mind of instructor Ellen Eckstein as she narrates a lesson with one of her students. In this third part […]