Winter Projects Part 2
With Jeff Derby In the last issue of Eclectic Horseman, Jeff Derby discussed his approach to working on winter projects in general, and getting a horse prepared to cross a bridge in particular. Picking up …
With Jeff Derby In the last issue of Eclectic Horseman, Jeff Derby discussed his approach to working on winter projects in general, and getting a horse prepared to cross a bridge in particular. Picking up …
With Jeff Derby For many of us, the start of the winter season means an end to our riding season. Even if you have access to an indoor arena, it’s easy to feel limited by …
With Richard Caldwell There are many ways to prepare your horse for the maneuver known as the turnaround. In the last few issues we have already talked about some of them, and here is another …
Written by Joe Wolter This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.46 I am going to share something I learned the other day with a horse I was getting used to pulling a log. This …
Written by Joe Wolter This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.45 In the late 70s and early 80s I was riding colts and doing day work for area ranchers in central California. At the …
With Richard Caldwell This is an exercise that works on both circles and turnarounds. All I want my horse to do is follow me. I’m not his boss, but I am the leader. When I …
With Richard Caldwell Riding in the hackamore can be a little intimidating if you’ve never done it before. We’re going to start out with some flexing, and then work on a counter-bend exercise, which is …
With Richard Caldwell When you ride with traditional gear, it is important to remember that each piece of equipment has a specific purpose and has evolved over time to be used in a certain way. …
With Richard Caldwell If you do not use a fiador on your hackamore, it is a good idea to secure your reins any time you step off to lead your horse. If you don’t and your …
With Mindy Bower If you are creative, you can find ways to prepare you and your horse for demanding jobs, such as roping, where there are many variables to keep track of, by simulating complicated situations. …