EH Issue No.107 – Electronic Version


Product Description

May/June 2019

Inside Rein – Outside Leg By Martin Black
The connection between the inside rein and the outside leg is an important one. Martin examines how he thinks of balancing this connection.

“Hurry Up, I Want to go for a Ride!” – The Power of Task Analysis
By Deb Benett, Ph.D.
Using the task of mounting with a mounting block, Deb explores the process of learning to see what is truly happening with your horse.

The Ten Principles of Equine Behavior – Part 1 – A Conversation with Dr. Robert M. Miller and Lester Buckley Edited by Katherine Rosback
Dr. Miller and Lester Buckley discuss how equine behavior relates to our ability (or not) to work with them to accomplish our goals.

This Is Why We Call It The Uh Oh Ranch
By Cosette Moormans
In her second installment, Legacy of Legends scholarship recipient Cosette Moormans discusses her time at the Uh Oh Ranch under the tutelage of Mindy Bower. She chronicles her challenges and successes with her mule Mythril.

Preventing and Dealing With Foot Phobias Part One: Handling Foal Feet – Training for Trimming
By Heather Smith Thomas

Setting a good foundation with a young horse is important in all facets of their lives. Handling the feet in a fitting way is an opportunity for a horse to have less stress later in life when his feet are handled.

Human Ego in Horsemanship By Ross Jacobs
A thought provoking essay exploring competition, horsemanship and the human ego.

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EH Issue No.107 – Electronic Version