EH No.73 September/October 2013

Simple Minded by Martin BlackMany people have trouble working cattle because they don’t understand how a cow thinks; understand how they think to be more successful. Margaret Dorrance Saddle for Sale by Tom MoatesIn 1957 Margaret Dorrance won a trophy saddle at the Rodeo in Salinas; this Fall she will be offering the saddle for […]

EH No.59 May/June 2011

Help Your Horse Put His Best Foot Forward by Martin BlackMartin offers suggestions on how you can make your horse’s first experience with the shoer a positive one. Spiral Up by Wendy MurdochSpiraling up out of the saddle will improve your overall position and security in the saddle. Fitness Facts for the Back by Jec […]

EH No.03 January/February 2002

How Groundwork Relates to Riding, part 3 with Mindy Bower (read online) Transitions on the ground prepare your horse for transitions under saddle. Handle the Feet; Be Friends with your Shoer with Bryan Nuebert (read online)Bryan demonstrates several helpful hints to keep in mind while handling your horse’s feet. The Californios Ranch Roping and Stock […]

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