Mane Thoughts, Essays on Horsemanship by Tom Moates


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Product Description

Mane Thoughts, Essays on Horsemanship at long last combines between two covers a comprehensive collection of Tom Moates’s essays that dive into the heart of good horsemanship. These 17 essays by one of America’s eminent equestrian writers share insights on a wide range of horse related topics including: side pulls, being particular, ground work, handling spooks on the trail, trailer loading, discerning if a problem is physical or mental…and many more.

Some of the essays are newly penned for this book. Others are updated essays, previously published in horse magazines like Eclectic Horseman and America’s Horse. The book includes more than 50 photographs illustrating many points. To top it all off, that dearly loved holiday horse classic “The Year Jubal Saved Christmas” finally makes it into a book and is included in this anthology.

Mane Thoughts, Essays on Horsemanship presents many of the main ideas central to improving one’s horsemanship— ideas to help build that better relationship between horses and humans.


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Mane Thoughts, Essays on Horsemanship by Tom Moates