Being with Horses by Nahshon Cook

Please join us for a visit about Nahshon Cook’s Book Being with Horses… and so much more. Nahshon discusses his inspiration for writing the book as well as chatting about the horses whose personalities and challenges fill its pages. Enjoy!

About the book:
In Being With Horses, Nahshon Cook shares with readers, his alternative universe where horses are magicians, miracles-makers, and healers teaching him how to help his students quiet their minds enough to re-awaken their intuition.

With simplicity and inspiring wisdom, Nahshon Cook explores how being with horses can help people learn to find the little pieces of beauty in the broken moments of joy that keep us grounded in life enough to make life worth living.

When not always being OK is OK, people are able to grieve and also sing and dance and remember and offer their own two human hands to the collective piecing together of a more wholistic heart-space of consideration and healing for ourselves, each other, and all life in the earth.

Softcover, 157 pages.

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Being with Horses By Nahshon Cook


About the Author:

Nahshon Cook’s heart is for horses. He is a first-generation horseman and classical dressage trainer from inner-city Denver who has coached, competed and trained internationally in jumping and dressage. His current training interests lie in rehabilitating inconvenient horses with major mental, physical and emotional training-related trauma. He lives and works on his family’s farm in Parker, Colorado.