Starting Colts, Snaffle Bit vs. Hackamore

Round Table Discussion with Martin Black, Buck Brannaman, and Bryan Neubert. This article originally appeared in issue #81 – Jan/Feb 2015 issue of Eclectic Horseman Magazine. Learn how to subscribe. Often people use either the snaffle bit or the hackamore when putting the first few rides on a colt, but is one a better choice than […]

Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering

Many of the nation’s top buckaroos are about to descend again upon the Golden Spike Events Center in Ogden, Utah. The third annual Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering will be held this year September 10-12th. “Every year I’m just astounded at the support we have for the event” says the event’s creator, Trevor Ellis. “Last year […]


This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.72 A lot of times people have trouble understanding cattle because the cattle are so simple minded. Their decisions are made for comfort, nutrition, or survival reasons. Unlike people, cattle are not driven by greed or humiliation and they don’t care who looks better or what others think […]

What Do You Mean by Soft Feel?

Written by Martin Black This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.72 What are people talking about when they mention “a soft feel”? What I believe a soft feel is referring to is when the rider draws on the reins and the horse responds with out any resistance through the body down to the feet. […]

Transitioning The Young Horse From Some Broke To Making A Cow Horse

Written by Tom Moates The name Martin Black is certainly familiar to Eclectic-Horseman readers from his regular essays in the magazine. Also, his popular books, DVDs, annual clinics, and appearances in issues of The Horseman’s Gazette video magazine help share his horsemanship with many folks. Martin’s philosophy is rooted in the direct experience, he says, […]

Creating the Drift

Written by Martin Black This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.71 There is a lot of attention given to disengaging the hindquarters. Different terminology related to it, different purposes, objectives, and so on. Most of the hype though seems to center around getting control of the younger horses, at least in my travels, […]

Get With It

Written by Martin Black This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.69 For the most part, horses are relatively calm, quiet animals when they are left to maintain themselves. Free roaming grazers spend the biggest percent of their time relaxed and quiet, but when confined and fed high-energy feed they can develop physical and […]

Bridling Your Horse

Written by Martin Black This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.68 What makes some horses bad to bridle and some are eager to take it? There are lots of reasons to be bad. Some horses may have one reason; others may have several reasons. The horses that are good have obviously had better […]

What it Takes to Stop

Written by Martin Black This article originally appeared in Eclectic Horseman Issue No.66 It is always interesting to me when working with riders to see what they demonstrate when asked to stop their horse. Some may trot or lope out and perform a nice, soft, straight stop with the horse using his hindquarters, supple from […]

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