Eclectic Horseman Issue No.93


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January/February 2017

Back to the Beginning by Patti Hudson
The 7th annual Legacy of Legends Gathering will honor Ray Hunt’s Colt Starting techniques with an invitational colt starting class.

Not “Just Getting By”: Mastery and Why Few People Achieve It by Deb Bennett Ph.D.
The new year is a great time for self-reflection and Dr. Deb explores the concept of mastery and the many pitfalls that riders can find themselves in.

Just a Little More Information by Dave Ellis
When we’re tempted to add more pressure Dave encourages us to add a little more… information in what we’re asking of our horse.

Equestrian Terminology – The Meaning of Collection by Wendy Murdoch
Wendy explores some terminology and concepts that are crucial to understanding in preparation for her upcoming series of riding exercises utilizing the square.

Martin Black on Competition by Tom Moates
Martin visits about the benefits he sees in preparing a horse for competition and how he keeps his horses mentally and physically prepared.

A Custom Silver Primer by A.J. Magnum
Alberta silversmith Scott Hardy offers a consumer’s guide to custom silver.

Jack Lieser’s Wilderness Challenge by Leslie Larsen
Learn about a great opportunity to ride and learn with your horse out in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness between the north shore of Lake Superior and Canada.

Equine Physical Therapy by Jec A. Ballou
Jec offers some tools for bringing your horse back to fitness after time off or an injury.

Meet Gene Armstrong by Tom Moates
Enjoy an interview with Gene Armstrong, college professor, horse shoer and horseman; truly a life spent as a student of horsemanship.

The Early Califorios Skills of the Rancho by Linda Turner
Enjoy a re-cap from last year’s event and a look forward to the 2017 event.


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