EH Issue No.117 – Electronic Version


Product Description

January/February 2021

The Four Methods of Moving the Hindquarters With Buck Brannaman
Buck walks you through the four methods of moving the hindquarters that will help you with correct leads, collection, and so much more.

Colt Starting Skills — A Round Table with Martin Black, Lester Buckley and Lee Smith By Tom Moates
What qualities or skills should a rider who wants to start colts possess? Gain some insight from these three experienced resources.

Poison Plants: Danger in the Ditch and Along the Fenceline By Deb Bennett, Ph.D.
Every year thousands of horses in North America are affected by eating poisonous plants. Some horses die and others are left with lasting side effects.

What is Your Goal and Why? By Jim Hicks
Preparing to communicate with your horse can help reduce your riding challenges. Jim Hicks discuses some strategies how you can be better prepared to communicate.

Lesson Plans to Develop a Relationship – No. 2 of a Series By Alice Trindle
Develop a set of exercises that build on the basics, to ultimately help horse and rider have effortless communication to accomplish many possible jobs and further the process of training and relationship building.

What Does Always Right Mean? By Jim Overstreet
Taking a deeper look at this fundamental tenet of horsemanship with a longtime student and writer on the subject.

Because of or Despite By Kathleen Beckham
Is your horse’s performance happening because of your actions or despite them? Kathleen walks you though understanding the difference.

Do a Little a Lot, Not a Lot a Little By Scott DePaolo
Examine this fundamental approach with an experienced horsemanship instructor and coach.

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EH Issue No.117 – Electronic Version