Product Description
Slow Down and Learn
4 Videos + 6 Magazines = A full year of horsemanship to improve your ride!
The Horseman’s Gazette is a quarterly video-series available on DVD or online. Viewers receive direct lessons from the most talented horsemen and -women working with horses today on a variety of topics in each issue. Issues typically have 5-7 stories and run 2 hours in length.
Eclectic Horseman Magazine arrives every other month and fatures helpful how-to articles, thought provoking philosophical essays, clinic reports and so much more. If you are a student of good horsemanship this is the magazine for you.
(Additional shipping rates for international options to cover postage of mailing both EH Magazine and Gazette Internationally. Please double check your account address as it will serve as the mailing address if you choose a physical format.)
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