Art of the Cowgirl Brings Recognition to Cowgirl Influencers

Event to Showcase Artistic Talents from the Canvas to the Arena

It may be the hat and boots or just a love for the look and lifestyle. Either way, cowgirls are a unique breed with a sense of style and attitude that beckons artists to their door or pasture and, many times, stirs them to become artists themselves.

Art of the Cowgirl, the vision of cowgirl Tammy Pate of Ryegate, Montana, will celebrate this distinctive group of women during the event taking place at Corona Ranch February 8-10 just outside Phoenix, Arizona.

Event creator Tammy Pate. Nicole Poyo photo.

“This has been a dream of mine for many years,” said Tammy, a boot maker, horsemanship clinician and yoga instructor. “With my husband Curt, I have had the pleasure to cross paths with some incredible women who live this lifestyle every day and have worked to capture it various forms of art, whether that be rawhide braiding, silver engraving, photography or even the art of training a horse.

“Art of the Cowgirl is designed to spotlight these wonderful women while sharing the stories of their families, marriages and partnerships that in turn shaped them.”

The event will showcase female makers, master artists, silversmiths, braiders, saddlemakers and horsewomen. The event will not only provide entertainment and honor women of the West, but will also provide fellowships to individuals to further their knowledge with master artists in the trade of choice. It will include workshops from “Masters,” along with horsemanship clinics, an all-girl ranch rodeo and an elite horse sale, featuring horses bred and trained for ranch work.

Event creator Tammy Pate. Nicole Poyo photo.

“At the root of all of this is the opportunity to encourage up and coming artists, male and female,” said Pate. “Through our fellowship program, which is a not for profit foundation, we will work to pair those who want to learn with those who are ‘masters’ at their crafts. Funding generated by the event will provide support for the Master and the fellowship recipient.”

Pate said that as the event celebrates its inaugural year companies or individuals interested in sponsoring the event, a Master or a fellowship recipient have an opportunity to get involved early and be a part of the excitement for this new event.

To learn more about Art of the Cowgirl, go to or search Art of the Cowgirl in both Facebook and Instagram.

Art of the Cowgirl is a gathering to celebrate cowgirls and their contributions to the western lifestyle and culture through workshops, horsemanship clinics, an all-girl ranch rodeo and horse sale. It will be the avenue through which funds will be generated to support emerging artists and expand their knowledge and skills through fellowships and mentoring by Master Artists in their respective fields.

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