Eclectic Conversations – The Works of Arnold R. Rojas with Bill Reynolds

Emily and Bill Reynolds (Alamar Media, Inc.) discuss his journey with the legendary works of Arnold R. Rojas. They explore the impact of Rojas’ writing on preserving the ranching culture, and the personal motivation to keep the books in print and available to everyone at an affordable price. The conversation also touched on the ethos […]

Centrando a tu Caballo con Buck Brannaman

Publicado por BUCK BRANNAMAN el 20 de septiembre de 2002 Spanish translation by Carlos Mancera Esquivel Lo que estoy buscando cuando monto un caballo de cualquier nivel, ya sea un potro o un caballo experimentado, es que permanezca centrado debajo de mi. Cuando estoy montando, dibujo un rectángulo imaginario alrededor de mi caballo; hay una línea enfrente de […]

Cow Horse Turnarounds with Buck Brannaman

Excerpt from the Horseman’s Gazette Premiere Issue Confused around the turnaround? In this segment horseman Buck Brannaman explains the proper form and function of a cow horse turn. A typical cow horse turn is done on the outside hind leg. However, as a horse develops speed in the turn, centrifugal force will cause him to […]

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