Q & A With Dwight Hill

Photos by Marry Williams Hyde 

The 2018 Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering has a fantastic line up of talented Top Hand Ropers. There will be both men and women showcasing their roping and horsemanship abilities. One of this year’s teams include accomplished Horsemen; Dwight Hill, Mark Lundy, and Scott Vanleuven

We caught up with Dwight Hill for a Q & A.

Q: What is your background in roping, and what is your experience that has brought you to where you’re at today?

Dwight: I worked on ranches throughout the West and always enjoyed roping. So if you like something that much, you are always looking for an opportunity to hone your skills. 

Q: What do you look for in a partner in an event like this?

Dwight: When I am looking for partners for a roping event, I like to rope with people I know, and that are mounted well. 

Q: How does your Horsemanship play a role in an event like this?

Dwight: The Horsemanship in an event like this is huge because we are being judged and not just timed. So to win, things need to look smooth. Everything- the roping, stock handling, and Horsemanship, is all being judged. 

Q: What is something you enjoy about the Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering?

Dwight: I guess the thing I enjoy most about the Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering is getting to see people that I haven’t seen in a while, and all the great horses that are there. It’s nice to see people are still spending the time to train their horses in the traditional way.

Dwight Hill was raised in Blackfoot, Idaho and now resides in Rexburg, Idaho. 

He has three Children; Sierra 27, Tyrel 25 and Cody 20. 

Dwight has successfully competed at many Ranch Ropings and Ranch Rodeos for a number of years. 

We invite you to come see Dwight Hill, and all the other talented Horsemen at The Great Basin Buckaroo Gathering,  September 7th & 8th, 2018, in Ogden, Utah. This is a great weekend of competition, clinics, talent, and traditions.

For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit:  www.BuckarooGathering.com