Eclectic Horseman Issue No.118


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March/April 2021

Handling Foals with Melanie Taylor, Martin Black and Ricky Quinn By Tom Moates
Just how should foals be handled by us at the very beginning?  What should be done or not done, and why?  We ran that question past some highly respected horse folk and share their responses here.

Danger in Pasture and Paddock: Plants and Insects By Deb Bennett, Ph.D.
Every year thousands of horses in North America are affected by eating poisonous plants. Some horses die and others are left with lasting side effects.

Partnership – An Essay By Nahshon Cook
An essay about building a partnership with a horse and understanding that there might never be an “arrival” but a continual moving closer to a destination.

Feeling What a Horse Needs Part 5 By Tom Curtin
Tom demonstrates some things to get a horse ready to saddle. Using an approach that will help a horse learn to hang in there with him as he works by allowing him to move his feet so that he does not feel trapped.

What Is Your Horse Working On? By Kathleen Beckham
What the horse is thinking about while we do our work with him is crucial. It has everything to do with the quality of the work he does, how good our relationship will grow to be and whether the lessons we are teaching will stick, from day to day.


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Eclectic Horseman Issue No.118