EH Issue No.03 – Electronic Version

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Product Description

January/February 2002

How Groundwork Relates to Riding, part 3 with Mindy Bower
Transitions on the ground prepare your horse for transitions under saddle.

Handle the Feet; Be Friends with your Shoer with Bryan Nuebert
Bryan demonstrates several helpful hints to keep in mind while handling your horse’s feet.

The Californios Ranch Roping and Stock Horse Contest by Raphael F. Prudente
A modern-day competition that preserves vaquero tradition.

The Origins of Equestrian Warfare and Its Influence on the Development of the Iberian Horse by Bettina Drummond and Dr. Max Gahwyler

Keeping Your Horse Warm in Winter by Sue Stuska, Ed.D.
Separate cold-weather myths from healthy horse facts.

What is Natural Horsemanship? by Clay Wright
What’s in a name? Clay Wright explores this popular term in his thoughtful essay.

One-Day Wonders by Sylvana Smith
Are we helping our colts or hurting them by starting them in one day? A photo essay by Sylvana.

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1 review for EH Issue No.03 – Electronic Version

  1. 5 out of 5

    Theresa Assad

    I am revisiting back issues and finding valuable information. I really enjoyed Bettina Drummond and Dr Max Gahwyler’s article on the origins of warfare and it’s influence on the development of the Iberian horse. Having had the privilege of riding a Lusitano and experiencing their incredible temperament and athleticism, the article meant so much more to me, as well as clarifying terms such as descente de main. Very well illustrated and Bettina and Max recreated the head gear of historical times and tested it out, the article has the photos. Very well researched, well written and understandable. Most educational! I also see parallels between the ancients and modern day Vaquero’s, such as Mr Pat Puckett. July 2023.

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EH Issue No.03 – Electronic Version