Saddle Construction 1 & 2 with Cary Schwarz


SKU: D8070 Category:

Product Description

DISK 1: Rigging & Fork Cover Installation 

Watch Cary Schwarz as he demonstrates and describes his techniques for installing a flat plate rigging and a fork cover. This includes methods for creating symmetry in the rigging, an efficient method for pattern cutting a fork cover, and much more. This content is very unique and is useful to all levels of craftsmen. 


DISK 2: Seat & Cantle Binding Installation
95: minutes

Cary Schwarz demonstrates how he cuts out a saddle seat and fits it cleanly to the saddle. He then follows through with a unique technique of inlaying the cantle binding that will make a Cheyenne roll look and function better. Detailed hand sewing techniques for cantle bindings are also featured.


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Saddle Construction 1 & 2 with Cary Schwarz