The Horseman’s Gazette – Issue No.30 – Streaming


Product Description

In this issue you will learn:   how to help your horse lead up with life, evaluate a horse to ride,  exercises for improving lead changes,  how to use a mirror to help after an injury,  and some roping tips and techniques.  Brimming with high quality instruction this video is like having some of  the most talented horsemen today hold a private clinic for you and your horses.


Table of Contents: 
Leading Up on Foot with Bryan Neubert (6:59)
We would all like to have horse move right out with us when we lead them off; to be hooked onto our energy and lead with us fast or slow matching the life in our  body. Bryan Neubert discusses and demonstrates the thought process and the steps he goes through to help a horse get lighter and livelier when begin led.

Horse Evaluation with Alice Trindle (36:06)
Getting ready to ride a young or unknown horse can be a frightful proposition for many of us. Alice Trindle demonstrates how she would use the tools of a round pen, lariat rope, saddle horn and more to evaluate a horse before riding. Guiding you to be able to see troubled spots and how you might address them before swinging a leg over.

Improving Lead Changes with Jim Hicks (26:27)
Even horses trained to the highest levels have areas where they need help improving. Jim Hicks demonstrates how he would help a horse that needs some fine tuning in the timing of his changes and offers suggestions how you can address physical and mental challenges in the

Using the Mirror after an Injury with Wendy Murdoch (7:17)
After an injury the body can hold onto the memory of pain and loss of motion for longer than it needs to. Wendy demonstrates with a helper a technique to help restore pain-free range motion after an injury has healed.

Roping and Branding Tips with Dwight Hill (38:33)
Ranch roping and branding combine the skills of good horsemanship with a real-world task of taking care of livestock. Dwight Hill shares some of his experience with you in the form of tips and suggestions about gear, setting up shots, handling your rope and much more.


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