The Horseman’s Gazette – Issue No.04 – Streaming


Product Description

The Horseman’s Gazette is a quarterly video-series and complement to our print magazine, The Eclectic Horseman. Watch the familiar faces from its pages, listen to their voices, and witness their expertise with your own eyes and ears. We’ll also introduce you to new horsemen and -women who are out in the world working for the horse, educating riders to a deeper understanding and respect for ways of working with horses that work with their nature, not in spite of it.

In this fourth issue you will learn some ways to expose your horse to a rope both on foot and in the saddle, some elements of bridle horse refinement, and an exercise for developing correct turnarounds. Chock-full of information for all students of horsemanship, it is your seat on the fence to how the best trainers in the business work with their horses and their students.


Table of Contents:
Some Elements of Bridle Horse Refinement with Buck Brannaman
Educating a horse to be ridden in the bridle is a long-term commitment. It requires consistency in riding and having a vision from the beginning as to where you and your horse are headed. Buck Brannaman offers some suggestions on how you can ride your horse in the snaffle that will prepare your horse to be ridden in one hand and maintain proper form while neck reining.

Foundation Exercises Part 2: Working on Leads with Martin Black
In part 2 of a series of foundation exercises Martin Black builds on the loping circles exercise and demonstrates how he would help a horse learn to take the proper lead. Martin addresses not only the physical aspects of taking a proper lead, but the importance of considering a horse’s mental state when working on taking the proper lead.

Cow Work Exercises – Riding a Horse Who Is Behind the Leg with Joe Wolter
Learning to read and adjust to a situation in order to fit a particular horse is one quality of a good horseman. Joe Wolter never rides a horse with a specific plan in mind; in this segment we can watch as he feels where this particular horse needs help on this particular day. Joe is working a young horse on cattle who is a little behind the leg, he makes some adjustments to help her respect his legs, but to keep her attention on the cow. 

Introduction to Rope Work with Bryan Neubert
Roping off of a horse for the first time can be a nerve wracking experience for the inexperienced horse and rider. Bryan Neubert demonstrates some ways that you might prepare a horse to be roped off of. This preparation is something that Bryan starts from the first day he handles a horse, but he shows you some ways that you might help your horse get caught-up if you haven’t been preparing them all along for the day you want to swing a rope.

Circles and Turns Exercise with Richard Caldwell
Richard Caldwell walks you through an exercise that can help build correct rollbacks in your horse. This exercise is great for a young or inexperienced horse because in using the fence to help set up the rollback you will not have to put more pressure on your horse, and he will learn to get into position physically and be comfortable mentally in the rollbacks.

Profile of Bootmakers Ed and Thea Disney
Many of us who ride pull on our boots without giving a second though to how they are made. Or, if once you ride you have to pull off your boots in a big hurry because walking in them is simply too uncomfortable, you might be curious to know why your boots are so uncomfortable. Visiting with bootmakers Ed and Thea Disney of Sheridan, Wyoming was a crash course in bootmaking, and a revelation to the fact that beautiful riding boots really can be the most comfortable pair of footwear you own.


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