The Horseman’s Gazette Issue No.33 – Winter 2017


Product Description

In this issue you will learn a method for introducing the leg yield, how to ride with the garrocha, proper position for riding the turnaround,how to tie up the snaffle bit and strategies for learning to drag a log safely. Brimming with high quality instruction this DVD is like having some of the most talented horsemen today hold a private clinic for you and your horses.

Runtime 2 hours.

Riding with the Garrocha with Alice Trindle (34:13)
In this segment you will have more exposure to the traditions of the Garrocha, an historical cattle handling tool from Spain and see how it can benefit you and your horsemanship. Alice Trindle demonstrates how you would get started by exposing your horse to the pole with a helper on foot and then teaches you basic, and, not-so-basic maneuvers. The segment closes with a fun performance to lively Spanish music.

The Leg Yield with Jim Hicks (20:08)
The leg yield is one of the first maneuvers that riders explore in Dressage but it also is one that can easily be done incorrectly. With the help of some cones Jim explains how you can set your horse up for success and do a lot less to achieve correct leg yields. He highlights common mistakes and how they can be avoided.

Tying up the Snaffle Bit with Paul Dietz (7:43)
Some young horses can develop the habit of getting their tongue over the bit. An acceptable method for discouraging this would be to tie the snaffle bit up in their mouth where a horse couldn’t get their tongue over it and learn to carry the bit comfortably. Paul shows how to use a piece of baling twine to prevent this habit from becoming a problem.

Dragging a Log with Trevor Carter (50:42)
Dragging a log is something that is required in many show events and also necessary preparation for real world jobs. In this segment Trevor Carter helps one of his students prepare a horse to drag a log and stay safe while accomplishing this goal.

Proper Turnaround Position with Wendy Murdoch (13:11)
The turnaround is taught with quite a few varying instructions for the rider… often times actually hindering proper and free movement for the horse. In this segment Wendy Murdoch helps a student rider learn to ask her horse to turn around without getting in his way. Understanding how our position can help or hinder our horse is invaluable for the turnaround, and every other movement we ask of our horses.

Please enjoy a sneak preview of this issue:


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The Horseman’s Gazette Issue No.33 – Winter 2017