Recognizing the Horse in Pain II …And What You Can Do About It! by Joanna L Robson DVM


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Product Description

“Recognizing the Horse in Pain” is a Veterinarian-authored text covering behavioral, conformational, and training issues associated with the horse in pain. Does your horse buck under saddle, have trouble with leads, try to bite when saddled, trip, or have a tight back? Understand what your horse is trying to tell you, and why these issues occur. Learn about non-traditional lameness, acupuncture and chiropractic, case examples of horses in pain, how saddle-fitting affects performance, fitting your own saddle, and understanding what you can do to eliminate equine pain. Choosing saddle accessories, identifying hoof balance, and non-invasive treatments are also covered. The veterinarian-author is a renown speaker and presenter on equine pain and alternative therapies, as well as a life-long rider and competitor. An accompanying 90+ minute DVD is available online at

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Recognizing the Horse in Pain II …And What You Can Do About It! by Joanna L Robson DVM