To Catch A Horse: Finding the Heart of Your Horsemanship by Amy Skinner
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Product Description
Short, thoughtful essays on our relationship with horses from an up-and-coming horsewoman.
“To Catch A Horse is honest, humble, insightful and, at times, funny. Its pages radiate concern for the horse and commitment to being the sort of person a horse would want. A thoroughly enjoyable read, To Catch A Horse will not only inspire you to better horsemanship, but it will illuminate the way.” – Samantha Salomon
“Amy’s philosophy of having truly good intentions for your horse is something that all horse people need to remember. Too often we are lost in the world of training and competition and we forget that our horse is our greatest friend, and we should treat them that way. Changing our ways and experimenting with new things can be extremely uncomfortable, but as she reminds us here, we search for better ways to do things so that we and our equine partners may be peaceful and content, inside and out.” – Stefanie Maihofer
“Opening up this book is like sitting down at the kitchen table with a friend, where you feel connected by the quiet, and sometimes lively, conversation. There is a lot to take away from To Catch a Horse, but I keep coming back to this passage: ‘…we have to be able to offer real peace to the horse. To do that, we have to have peace with ourselves.’ Amy offers practical truths and consequences in To Catch a Horse that are hard to find anywhere else.” – Julie Kenney
“Amy is at the forefront of an exciting revolution that is focused on quality of life, for the horse as much as the human.” -Kristen Anthony
“To Catch a Horse is a must-have for those want an honest and refreshing look at horsemanship. Amy Skinner allows the reader into her world. Her willingness to challenge the status quo in the world of horsemanship demonstrates her drive to improve how the horse is seen and developed. The stories shared are skillfully worded to help the rider elevate their approach with understanding the horse. With each read, you’ll find new nuggets of information. My favorites: The Problem with Training; Live Soft, Ride Soft: Bomb Proof or Shut Down; Questioning the 30-Day Start.” – Michael Benner
Softcover, 162 pages.
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