Six Colts, Two Weeks, Volume Three: A Special Colt Starting Clinic with Harry Whitney by Tom Moates


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SKU: B10800 Category: Brand:
Brands:Tom Moates

Product Description

This hefty volume completes the Six Colts, Two Weeks trilogy–a series eight years in the making that is a unique memoir documenting the one and only colt starting clinic taught by distinguished horsemanship clinician Harry Whitney. “You’ve got to know that it can be and let it happen,” is Harry Whitney’s quote that begins this new book. “You can’t make it be.” This series shares a view of horseman- ship that’ll change how you perceive horsemanship, and how you approach horses.

(Softcover, 417 pages.)


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Six Colts, Two Weeks, Volume Three: A Special Colt Starting Clinic with Harry Whitney by Tom Moates