Harmony, Lightness and Horses: Integrating body and mind to ride your horse by Ylvie Fros


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Product Description

Harmony, Lightness and Horses is a collection of short articles about the use of the body and the mind for horse riders.

“This book presents you with some of my experience, hands-on exercises and tips on how to use your body and mind to find harmony and lightness with your horse. This book explains the essence, the ultimate goal of riding; the feeling of harmony, elegance and lightness all of us riders are looking for and sometimes find glimpses of. With a new perspective on the training of the horse, the seat and the relationship between human and horse, there is something in this training approach for everybody.” – Ylvie Fros

“Ylvie has been experimenting with different approaches in teaching and coaching humans on their way to the Academic Art of Riding. This book gives insight, how Zen, Centered Riding® and the Academic Art of Riding can give guidance in order to develop a better connection between the human and the horse.”
– Bent Branderup

Ylvie Fros is a Centered Riding® Level III instructor, squire and selected trainer in the Academic Art of Riding as well as a bodywork practitioner. She teaches around the globe to promote healthy dressage for horses in combination with increased body awareness for riders. Ylvie has studied and continues to study with experts in horse and human biomechanics, Zen and the Academic Art of Riding.

Harmony, Lightness and Horses: Integrating body and mind to ride your horse by Ylvie Fros