Eclectic Classroom – Raising the Base of the Neck with Deb Bennett, Ph.D. – Archive


Listen to Eclectic Horseman contributor Deb Bennett, Ph.D., lecture raising the base of the neck as the final expression of collection and answer several questions from the viewers at the end of class, the culmination of our series on the subject. Originally held 5.30.24 enjoy the opportunity to watch this past class. Watch for upcoming classes here.

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The class was held Thursday May 30th via Zoom.

This article builds upon an important lesson taught in the last installment of this series: that collection isn’t rooted in anything so superficial as whether the horse’s face is vertical, but is instead the result of the horse himself arching the three segments of his spine. Now we’re in a position to take a closer look at how the horse uses one of those segments—his neck —to create soft, elastic, and thoroughgoing contact with the bit. The mechanism that allows the horse to raise the base of the neck has puzzled horsemen for centuries, so it might be helpful to begin with…” – Deb Bennett, Ph.D. from “How Horses Work Installment #6: Raising the Base of The Neck.”

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