Product Description
The first ride on your horse sets the tone for all the rest that follow. In this class Bryan Neubert will discuss all the things he needs to have working with a colt before he gets on and why. Once he’s worked his way through his list we’ll open up for the class to ask about the how to do each of the things on the list and share a few good stories along the way.
The class will be held Thursday December 19th via Zoom starting at 6pm MST. (check your time zone here)
Please plan on the class lasting up to least two hours. We will visit about the topic then open up for questions and answers from the students.
Classes will be recorded and you will have a copy of the class automatically added to your account in The Mercantile where you can watch it again, or if you missed the class watch what you missed!
If you have any questions about the format, or how to use our forum please reach out, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. Use the contact form, or call 303-449-3537.
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