Jimmie & Joe Wolter in Granby, Colorado

Joe working a colt over at the C Lazy U, Granby, Colo.
Joe working a colt over at the C Lazy U, Granby, Colo.

We packed up the crew of Sydney Rose, Steve and me then traveled up to Strawberry Creek Ranch outside of Granby, Colorado to film a few horsemanship segments on working young horses on cattle with Joe Wolter.

It’s about a 3.5 hour drive from us to where Joe was summering; a facility named the Strawberry Creek Ranch where our friend Jeff Derby lived. It was the first opportunity we had to work with Joe using video, and it was great a chance to catch up with Jeff and finally meet his entire family.

We captured a few video segments with Joe working a some of his young horses on cattle, and then after lunch we all drove up the valley and shot some photos of the outstanding horseman Joe Wolter working a touchy colts over at one of Colorado’s upscale guest ranches the C Lazy U.

It’s not always so simple hauling around a little one and get a job done by taking turns pointing and panning the camera then pushing the baby walker hoping Syd’d take a nap. So we felt very lucky to have Jimmie and Joe  in Colorado for the summer to get some — dare I say more convenient content for the Gazette. It’s hard to find two nicer people on the entire planet.

Starting Over – A day in the corral with Joe Wolter