Gates – a poem and true story

Written by Miriam Pumehana Paisner

Always close and lock the gates
When horses are around
For you will find they quickly know
How to play Lost and Found.

Horses are smarter than you think
And definately smarter than me,
Eyeballing that unlocked gate or hole in the fence
They’ll head out, just to be free.

One January, windy afternoon
I’d left the gate unlatched
So that Arab, Zamar and Buddy, his friend
A clever plan unhatched.

To lead, me following, calling them back
As they roamed wherever they would
Up the burm and down to the road
and back to a neighbours wood.

Border Collie Tulark tried hard to work
And help me round them up
But I’d forgotten their halters and grain, as well as
His commands, the calls for herding-up.

On that January windy afternoon
I’d just finished emptying the ‘barrow
Of manure that happens when horses are there
And there’s a need to harrow.

I was feeling quite fit and proud of myself
When a squeaking gate I heard,
As I looked up to see them sauntering through
My heart stopped and my eyes were blurred.

My heart with fear, was in my throat
As to the herd I gave chase
I had visions of running onto the highway
Thank God, that wasn’t the case.

The cellphone I had, came to the rescue
As I called Animal Patrol
To my state of panic they came very soon
And helped me gain control

Officers Brandi and Terri offered some grain
To the two who were perfectly fine at
Being haltered and led back to their home nearby
They’d had their fun and were ready to dine.

And I’ve learned a lesson I’ll never forget
When horses are around
If they do get out grab a halter and grain
And soon they’ll be homeward bound.

But always close and lock those gates
No matter what you are doing
For horses are smart and will try to escape
With you behind them, pursuing.

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