Cowboy John

Ol’ Joe jumped up in the gooseneck
With Dunny, side by side
Even the horses seemed fired up
To take this little ride

We were goin’ to see a man
My pard had heard about
He’d heard he could get one goin’
Without a jerk or shout

When come to caballo relations,
We’d take what help we’d get
So, when he said, “Ya’ wanna go?”,
I quickly said, “Ya’ bet!”

We rode the boys up to the barn
And on the roan, he sat
Holdin’ a two-rein loose in hand,
N’ wearin’ a flat-top hat

He sat atop a slick-fork chair,
A well-worn Northwest Wade
If this here puncher’d work with us,
We’d sure-nuf have ‘er made

This catty roan that ol’ John rode
Moved real light n’ handy
John said he didn’t start that way,
But he’d now made a dandy

Ol’ John had bought this snorty horse
From folks he’d busted up
But now he seemed to follow John
Just like a heeler pup

“Come on ‘round, my Cowboy pards
We’re gonna work a cow
What’s that ya’ say, well don’t ya’ fret
That you ain’t quite learned how”

“I’d reckon that’s what ya’ come fer,
So we’ll help ya’ get ‘er done
The first job here on this outfit
Is havin’ yerself some fun”

Well fun with John, we dang sure had,
N’ I learned a lot that day
My pard had helped me quite a bit,
And thanks was all to say

Then that next week, ol’ John rang up
N’ called us out again
N’ since that day we’ve never missed
A ride with our good friend

You’re just not apt to gain much ground
At work you love to do
Without some help from someone else
Who knows some more than you

Sometimes in life you’re blessed to find
That help you’re lookin’ for
Our luck sure turned when Cowboy John
Rode up n’ cracked the door

Jim Hawkins
January 3, 2003

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