A Drink of Water – Quotes By Jim Hicks

Join me for a visit with horseman Jim Hicks about his brand new book of inspirational horsemanship quotes paired with 60 exquisite photos from photographers Donnette Hicks & Kim Stone. Hear Jim’s observations on people’s addiction to negative stories and drama when working with horses, his method of writing a book, sharing quotes, and providing feedback to shift people’s thought process and recognize positive moments.

About Jim:
Jim Hicks is a USDF bronze and silver medalist. He has successfully trained through the Grand Prix level. He has re-educated hundreds of show horses, either returning them to successful show careers, or respectful relationships with their owners. He is sought after for the training he does starting young horses as well as working with problem horses. He is a clinician that reaches a world-wide audi- ence through Eclectic Horseman magazine and the video series The Horseman’s Gazette. Jim is a respected clinician, teaching clinics from California to Florida. In this book there are thoughts and ideas that could help someone improve their connection and partnership with their horse.

Learn more or order the book here:

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