Two Centuries of Teaching Experience

David Hillman, Ellen Eckstein, Gene Armstrong and Jessica Kent.

Collaboration is the theme any time I get to spend time with David & Gene.

I have the best job in the world.

I’m so thankful to have a livelihood that intertwines my passion for horses, horse people and education.

I love making connections with people and sharing what they have spent their lifetimes learning with others.

Not only preserving the value of their hard earned experience, but keeping it alive and growing.


Thank you for subscribing to The Horseman’s Gazette and the Eclectic Horseman Magazine! Without your support and help spreading the word to other horse people this the work is not possible.

This was my second time filming with the legendary duo of Gene Armstrong and David Hillman. With some ups and downs of schedule complications I was thrilled to once again be back in lovely Paso Robles at Karl and Laurie Gage’s Full Sail Farm. A beautiful gem of a property nestled in the hills next to the riverbed; you are immediately wrapped in the peacefulness of the place the moment you step out of the car. My planned early arrival was thwarted by of all things a snow storm in Colorado; hard to believe as I looked around at green grass and flowering trees. But arrive I did finally and then headed down the road just a bit to meet with Gene and make a plan.

Sitting in the shade on the back porch of Gene and Gail Armstrong’s place; we watched horses graze in the pasture and discussed options. Katey Augsburger Katz was bringing two-two-year-olds over tomorrow to work on groundwork and we planned on having not too precise of a plan and work with whatever might present itself. There were colts that had been in training with David all month, lots of potential. We discussed options and then I headed over to Ellen Eckstein’s house for dinner.

Ellen was gracious enough to host me for this filming adventure. I think the home she and her husband, Dr. David Eckstein D.V.M., C.V.A. share is really the coolest. The quintessential California ranch house; I was thrilled to have the opportunity to sit at the kitchen counter and visit with Ellen and Dr. David (and Jessica Kent, a longtime student of Ellen’s and a horse trainer in Carmel Valley.) The conversation carried on late into the night.

We started the morning with some visiting on camera… always a great way to start the day. David and Gene together create the opposite of a rift in the space-time continuum. They create a connection that is undeniable; they share their thoughts and experiences and from the exchanges something more is created. I asked questions and they answered them; and then answered the ones I didn’t know how to ask.

Katey who I first met when we filmed her working with Ellen years ago (you might have seen her photo from a past filming trip on the back of issue 136) brought two energetic warmblood two-year-olds. From the moment they stepped off the trailer David demonstrated how he works with a horse with this kind of energy; flowing with it and redirecting it instead of creating hard boundaries. Really a cool demonstration and one I can relate to; having a kinesthetic memory of leading wild warmbloods on show grounds as a dressage groom in my youth.

Taking the time it takes to visit.

After working in the yard they migrated to the round pen and graduated to Gene working horseback with one colt off of his horse Easy, on some leading assistance. The boys ended in a good place then hopped back in the trailer with no fuss.

Then it was time to change venue and head back over to Ellen’s in Templeton just a short drive away. Ellen’s student Jessica (who hopefully will sit down with me soon for an Eclectic Conversation to share her horsemanship story). Ellen and Jess have been working on preparing Manolo for flying changes. Ellen taught Jessica and I filmed it; so cool and you could see some neat adjustments in the horse. Ellen had said earlier that she keeps a notebook that she makes notes on what she helps students with in after each clinic; she remarked that so many of the notes from clinic to clinic are similar. I think this connects to the feeling that we all felt from riding with or watching Ray and Tom; the exercises are deceptively simple; but we’ll be working on refining them for the rest of our lives. Ellen’s teaching high level movements, but naturally they are reliant on sound fundamentals. Ellen guided Jessica on livening up the hind feet with a connection to the rein; an exercise I remember Ellen helping me with on my horse Belich when I rode with her nearly 20 years ago in Idaho. We weren’t working on changes; but in that connection and it is, for lack of a better word; connected. Jessica is a lovely rider on an incredibly talented horse guided by a masterfully kind instructor; what privilege to capture on film!!

Jessica floated a great idea of following her lesson with Ellen with a roundtable with all involved; so David and Gene had come over to watch. After the lesson we tried to find a good spot to film… back porch? By the pool… I know, where would we all sit around and talk naturally? The barn of course. Out we we went and for the next hour a kind of magic happened. With 235 years between the four of them the conversation ebbed and flowed about horsemanship, teaching and life. What magic. Ellen gave me what might be the highest compliment I’ve received: she said I was like some kind of Zen master at helping people feel comfortable on camera. I’m going to keep that compliment in my pocket and take it out from time to time to revisit. :-)

I then went back to Full Sail Farm early the next morning to film with the young horses who have been in training all month with David. Each horse presented a little piece to showcase on film to share with Gazette viewers. Usually there is no need for a plan when I head out to film; the horses get to tell us what we need to film. We wrapped up the day with a little more interviewing… it’s hard to turn the camera off because the gems that these two share are just amazing.

Ellen and I had dinner at a local restaurant and made great plans for articles, interviews and so much more. She has an incredibly rich history and many stories to share so keep your ears and eyes open for more! I went home with a ton of super video content and a heart full of joy from spending a few days with these wonderful humans. I look forward to sharing it with you soon!


Katy A. brought two young horses for David to work with, super fun watching how he blended with and then directed their energy.

Gene and Easy keeping an eye on the youngsters as they are loaded back in the trailer after a successful morning.

Back to Ellen's to film a segment with Jessica serving as demo rider under Ellen's guidance.

Jessica on Manolo in what has to be one of my favorite arenas. Challenging to film in but lovely view and feel up on top of a hill.

Another day of capturing collaboration between two incredible horsemen as they work with the colts that have been with David all month.

The essential ingredient for any filming trip... coffee! Fantastic pour-over coffee at Ellen's house to start each day.

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