EH No.45 January/February 2009

Desensitizing – How much is enough? by Martin Black (read online)Martin opines on how much too much desensitizing is not a good thing and why being sensitive is important for a horse. Stretching the Rubber Band by Joe Wolter (read online) Joe explores the idea of challenging you and your horse in a working or […]

EH No.75 January/February 2014

Ride the Horse You Have Today with Amy LeSatzBefore you swing a leg over, be sure your horse is with you and ready to be ridden. Amy offers a pre-ride checklist. Do You Offend Your Horse? by Martin BlackMany of the issues people have with their interactions with their horses come from the human offending […]

EH No.37 September/October 2007

Hobbling Your Horse Part 1 by Gale Nelson Hobbling a horse can be very useful. Here are several exercises to prepare your horse for hobbling, using a cotton foot rope or a lariat. Where Your Energy Meets Your Horse’s Energy by Martin Black (read online) Martin discusses how the presentation of a bit is more important than […]

EH No.32 November/December 2006

Riding the Hills by Sue Stuska, Ed.D. Common mistakes and how they can affect your horse when you are riding up and down hills. The 4-bar-J by Tom Moates A thoughtful essay about the history and the influence of great horsemen on the present. The Unforgettable by Bryan Neubert (read online) Bryan reflects on what he recalls as […]

EH No.30 July/August 2006

Backing Serpentines with Mindy Bower (read online)A helpful exercise for building suppleness and flexibility in your horse, and pointing out weak spots in your riding. Preparing Your Horse for the Hackamore and Bridle by Martin Black (read online)Martin offers some advice on making these transitions in a way that does not intimidate your horse. Chatting […]

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