EH No.45 January/February 2009

Desensitizing – How much is enough? by Martin Black (read online)Martin opines on how much too much desensitizing is not a good thing and why being sensitive is important for a horse. Stretching the Rubber Band by Joe Wolter (read online) Joe explores the idea of challenging you and your horse in a working or […]

EH No.43 September/October 2008

What is Our Horse Telling Us? by Martin Black (read online) Martin encourages us to look at the cause of our horse’s head carriage issues, not just the symptoms. Use Your Get Down Rope To Stay Safe with Richard Caldwell (read online) Richard demonstrates the way to use your get down rope when mounting and dismounting to […]

EH No.42 July/August 2008

Speed Regulation by Martin Black (read online) Martin explores the pleasures of a horse that will truly walk-out and what that can teach us about speed regulation in general. Leading Your Horse in a Hackamore with Richard Caldwell (read online) Richard demonstrates a handy way to tie up your hackamore reins so you can lead your horse […]

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