Our Mission

Our mission is to bring “Just What Works” information to a knowledge-hungry public. We will create and present only ideas and techniques that work with and educate humans about the nature of the horse.

By establishing Eclectic Horseman Communications (EHC), our mission is to offer the most reliable source of high-quality horsemanship information available to the horse community. Using a three-armed network of a print magazine, informational Web site and online catalog, Eclectic Horseman Communications reaches out to top horsemen and gathers their knowledge and insight to pass along to EHC readers, users and customers.

While other publications “fill in” the space around advertisements with editorial content, Eclectic Horseman focuses on developing exceptional articles, and adds only a select number of sponsorship advertising to that great content. We offer a variety of community-building services including questions and answers, opinion polls, clinic reports and a calendar of upcoming events. Community members are able to place a variety of advertisements for businesses, services and classifieds.

Eclectic Horseman, the magazine, is a bi-monthly publication filled with solid information for horse owners of every skill level. Taking a balanced approach to education, it features detailed how-to articles from a number of top trainers and clinicians as well as thought-provoking philosophical stories. Eclectic Horseman offers an operating philosophy different from any other horse publication on the market.

At Eclectic-Horseman.com, we focus on interaction between community members and the company. Unlike other horse-related sites, ours uses the newest of technologies to bring a wide variety of types of information to appeal to different learning styles. Our forums, or bulletin board allows users to post questions and share experiences to the community at large, and the chat room offers a place for users to connect virtually in a more informal manner. Our event report gallery showcases photos and captions from clinics across the country, and our iCards allow users to send fun messages to their friends, all free services.

The Eclectic Horseman Mercantile, supplies readers with the texts and tools they will need for their horsemanship education, similar to the partnership of a university and the university bookstore. When a horseman recommends a certain book or DVD to further a student’s education, the student is able to find and purchase it online from EHC, a company they have come to know and trust. Whatl sets this Internet catalog apart are the high standards set for the products carried: only books and DVDs of high educational content.

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