Eclectic Horseman Issue No.133


Product Description

September/October 2023

To Bend or Not to Bend—Is There A Question? By Deb Bennett, Ph.D.
How does the horse bend—if he bends at all? And what good is bending anyway? These ideas are worth exploring for all riders.

A Day in the Saddle — With Ray Hunt By Barney Nelson
Another gem of insight from the early days; enjoy hearing about riding in an early Ray Hunt clinic back in the 80s.

Ask a Horseman—Questions Answered By Buck Brannaman
Buck shares his thoughts on hardbound horses, how to help a horse put more effort into stopping and how to address a horse who roots on the reins.

Horsemanship Clinics with Melanie & Alicia By Tom Moates
A ground-breaking combination of horsemanship and jumping instruction from two incredibly talented horsewomen.

A Decade of Dreams By Jennifer Denison
The Early Californios Skills of the Rancho celebrates its 10th annual event at the historic V6 Ranch with competition, camaraderie and a concert. October 27-29, 2023 at the Parkfield Rodeo Arena on the Historic V6 Ranch.

Having In Mind What You Want To Ask Before You Ask It By Tom Moates
It’s not uncommon for the poor response of a horse to a person’s request to be due in large part to the person not really being certain what she or he wants the horse to do.

Where Is Your Mind? By Amy Skinner
From the moment we lead the horse to the block to the moment we walk off, we have many moments to connect and teach.


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Eclectic Horseman Issue No.133