EH Issue No.30 – Electronic Version


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Product Description

July/August 2006

Backing Serpentines with Mindy Bower
A helpful exercise for building suppleness and flexibility in your horse, and pointing out weak spots in your riding.

Preparing Your Horse for the Hackamore and Bridle by Martin Black
Martin offers some advice on making these transitions in a way that does not intimidate your horse.

Chatting at the Californios by Jan Young
A group of EH chatters meet at The Californios.

Help, My Greenie Won’t Go! by Sylvana Smith
Drawing from several sources, Sylvana offers advice on getting your young horse going in a way that makes sense to him.

The Californios Ranch Roping and Stock Horse Contest 2006 Results

Doma Vaquero — My Journey in Understanding Spanish Traditions by Alice Trindle
A new path of discovery and education by a horse.

The Rider’s Aids by Wendy Murdoch
An overview of common rider aids, natural and otherwise, and how they are presented to the horse.

Before You Build – Deconstruct by Tom Moates
Just when you think you have a piece of the puzzle sorted out, you realize you’ve got a long, long way to go.

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EH Issue No.30 – Electronic Version