EH Issue No.122 – Electronic Version


Product Description

November/December 2021

Hooking On 101 – Dymystefying the Art of Connecting with the Horse at Liberty By Sylvana Smith
An in-depth look at what hooking on is, and what it isn’t. Some helpful ideas on developing this essential skill.

¿Que es la Jaquima? By Steve Harris
The hackamore is space defined by rawhide. In this article Steve revisits the essential functions of the hackamore in regards to horsemanship.

The Buck Channel By Emily Kitching
Exciting new developments in the ways you can learn horsemanship from Buck Brannaman!

Lessons from 100 Untouched Horses By Mandy Jam
Starting wild horses in the Estonian forest sounds like a modern fairy tale. In this article Many Jam shares some of the lessons and insight she gained while doing just that.

Striking Off, Transitions Down By Dave Ellis
Understanding the value of your horse having some kind of preparatory information about the upcoming assignment BEFORE the assignment shows up is especially clear when riding transitions.

Memories of Christmas on the Ranch By Milly Hunt Porter
Vingettes from years gone by of Christmas time on the ranch take us on a trip down memory lane.

The Law of Diminishing Anxiety By Ross Jacobs
Ross’ law states that “the closer in proximity a horse’s thoughts and feet are, the less anxiety a horse experiences.” Of course, the corollary of this law would be that “the further in proximity a horse’s thought and feet are, the great the anxiety.” Understanding these concepts can frame how you look at ever interaction with your horse.

The Mystery of Silence – An Essay By Nahshon Cook

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EH Issue No.122 – Electronic Version