EH Issue No.114 – Electronic Version


Product Description

July/Aug 2020

What stands In the way of your goals?
Round Table with Alicia Landman, Jim Hicks and Mindy Bower By Tom Moates
What are some of the biggest obstacles students of horsemanship face? Hear from these instructors.

Why Is It So Hard? By Kathleen Beckham
Have you ever gotten unsolicited advice from a fellow horse person? Have you ever sat in the audience at a clinic or at a horse show and all you could hear was “arm chair quarter-backing” from your fellow spectators? Ever been on one of those horsey discussion groups and read pages and pages of “expert” advice? Ever heard an instructor lose their patience with a student?

They Eat Grass, Don’t They? Part Two: The “Big Seven” Hays By Deb Bennett, Ph.D.
The “big seven” North American pasture grasses —and those most frequently made into hay for consumption by horses—are Ryegrass, Fescue, Brome, Kentucky bluegrass, Timothy, Bermudagrass and Orchardgrass. In scientific terms, they are specific kinds belonging to the genera Lolium, Festuca, Bromus, Poa, Phleum, Cynodon and Dactylus. Outside North America, they are also important horse hays in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, continental Europe, and parts of the circum-Mediterranean and north Africa. It’s important for every horse owner to know how to identify these seven, and this article is intended to give you a good start in learning.

Feeling What a Horse Needs Part 3
Building a Foundation with Tom Curtin Photos by Emily Kitching
Tom takes us through his thoughts and observations while working with a colt in the round pen.

The Thinking Rider By Donnette Hicks
At every Ray Hunt clinic, he would shout out for us all to“Think.” What exactly did Ray mean?

Hot off the Press… The Essential Martin Black By Tom Moates
A review of Martin Black’s new book of horsemanship articles.

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