Leather Shop Techniques 1 & 2 with Cary Schwarz


SKU: D8080 Category:

Product Description

This two disk set covers five topics:

Tools: Cary discusses each of the tools he uses every day. He takes the time to describe why it’s such an important tool, then demonstrates how to use it while pointing out some valuable little tips and tricks (this includes sharpening techniques for each of the edged tools).

Hand Sewing: Tips for threading needles, positioning hands, and finding rhythm while hand sewing are discussed. Cary also compares and contrasts hand sewing to machine sewing, outlining the advantages of each and what makes them so different mechanically.

Finishing Techniques: Cary demonstrates the use of his preferred finishing products that help make his projects look and feel top notch. This includes a segment on his durable hot wax edge finishing technique.

Leather Discussion: Not all areas of a cow hide produce the same quality and type of leather. In the film Cary shows what locations on a hide produce the best quality as well as what the other areas might be used for. He then describes the various types of tannage a piece of leather might have and what advantages and disadvantages each type has.

Shop Tour: Cary gives a full tour of his shop and equipment while sharing his thoughts on how a work area should be organized.

Length: 92 minutes


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Leather Shop Techniques 1 & 2 with Cary Schwarz