Floral Carving by Cary Schwarz


SKU: D4060 Category:

Product Description

Cary Schwarz and Schwarz Productions (TJ Schwarz) presents something for beginner and advanced leather carvers.

This DVD is about an hour long and is devoted to executing a simple floral pattern in leather. It starts with sharpening and cutting with a swivel knife. It shows a technique I use when cutting that, when mastered, will help make anyone’s cutting smoother, easier and probably faster. I show the use of stamping tools that apply different textures in a progression that is worked out over many years. The viewer will be introduced to some new tools that are variations of familiar ones and how to use them in new ways. Novices and veteran leatherworkers alike will get something out of this DVD.


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Floral Carving by Cary Schwarz