The Horseman’s Gazette – Issue No.35– Streaming


Product Description

Welcome to the 35th issue of The Horseman’s Gazette, a quarterly video-series that enables you to watch and learn from some of the most talented horsemen and -women working with horses today.

Education is the main objective of this video-series. Because we believe that it’s the little things that make a big difference; a change in expression, the length of a pause, the smoothness of a transition, these video segments are edited as little as possible to give you the whole picture of how each horse and rider progress. 

Becoming a better horseman is a life-long process, and if you are serious about becoming the best you can be, now you can enjoy having access to some of the best resources in the horsemanship world.


• Warm Up In-Hand with Alice Trindle 20:57
Every horse’s personality is quite different and being able to have the tools to adjust to these differences separate a rider from a horseman. Sometimes we might have a plan to do something in particular with our horse that he isn’t quite mentally or physically prepared for. Alice Trindle guides us through a warm up in-hand with a horse that needs preparation for a challenging ride.

• Riding the Half-Pass with Jim Hicks 20:22
When executed correctly the Half-Pass can be one of the most beautiful maneuvers in dressage. In this segment Jim Hicks discusses what foundation must be in place before attempting the half-pass and then slowly and methodically demonstrates how to correctly ride the movement. Jim also discusses common rider pitfalls when attempting the half-pass and how to avoid them.

• Good Leading with Jeff O’Haco 21:20
So many times we tolerate a poor feel from our horse on the end of a lead rope. Whether it’s due to a lack of discipline or just not knowing how light a horse can be, getting your horse to lead with life can set the tone for all your interactions. In his continuing series of how groundwork relates to riding Jeff O’Haco demonstrates an exercise that you can do with your horse on the ground to help him lead with better quality. 

• Riding a New Horse with Lester Buckley 1:02:43
Lester Buckley discusses his plan for riding his young mare for the first time after a long break. In the prior segment he prepared her on the ground for the ride that we see here. Lester starts by getting with the horse and helping her to settle her energy and feel good about the ride by preparing her for each movement he asks of her. No surprises her rider helps the mare feel more confident.


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