The Horseman’s Gazette – Issue No.10 – Streaming


Product Description

In this tenth issue you will learn how to prepare a young horse to work cattle, pivot on each foot, and drag a log safely. Chock-full of information for all students of horsemanship, it is your chance to sit on the fence and watch some of the most talented horsemen today work at their own pace.


Preparing a Young Colt to Work Cattle with Joe Wolter
With a little bit of preparation a young horse can not only learn to be helpful in a real cow working situation such as gathering and sorting, but also come back from the day’s job with some advancement in his education. Joe offers some simple exercises and strategies for getting a young horse ready for a day’s work.

The Box Exercise with Bruce Sandifer
Many exercises with a horse are done in a circle. To mix things up a bit Bruce Sandifer demonstrates how he uses a square to work on different aspects of communication and responsiveness with his horse.

Pivoting Exercise with Martin Black
Martin demonstrates an exercise that he does with his colts to develop hind quarter control; asking his horse to pivot on his front end in a variety of ways.

Dragging a Log with Scott Grosskopf
In this issue Scott demonstrates how to prepare a horse to drag a cow off after it has been roped by dragging a log. By getting your horse ready for the sight and feel of dragging a heavy object you can prepare him to have a positive experience when it comes time to rope an animal.


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