The Horseman’s Gazette – Issue No.08 – Streaming


Product Description

The Horseman’s Gazette is a quarterly video-series and complement to our print magazine, The Eclectic Horseman.Watch the familiar faces from its pages, listen to their voices, and witness their expertise with your own eyes and ears. We’ll also introduce you to new horsemen and -women who are out in the world working for the horse, educating riders to a deeper understanding and respect for ways of working with horses that work with their nature, not in spite of it.

In this eighth issue you will learn about the three elements of lateral flexion, how to introduce the idea of neck reining, and observe some of the concepts and practice of classical Californio horsemanship. Chock-full of information for all students of horsemanship, it is your chance to sit on the fence and watch some of the most talented horsemen today work at their own pace.


Table of Contents:

• Halter Breaking Part 2 with Peter Campbell
Peter shows just how straight-forward halter breaking a horse can be when he works with a two-year-old ranch raised filly. In this segment Peter continues his work on foot exposing the filly to being handled from the ground.

• An Introduction to Californio Style Horsemanship with Bruce Sandifer
Bruce gives an overview of some of the the unique aspects of the Californio style of horsemanship, from the equipment to the mental approach of the rider. This segment will lay the foundation for more specific exercises in this system.

• Introducing Neck Reining with Bryan Neubert
Bryan demonstrates on an older horse how a horse can operate from a neck rein. Then he shows on a young horse how he introduces the concept of the neck rein and encourages the horse to learn to move from the feel of the rein against his.

• Three Elements of Lateral Flexion with Buck Brannaman
Many riders understand the value in taking their horse’s head around, but many ask their horse to bend without truly understanding proper flexion. Buck gives you some landmarks so that you will know how to encourage proper flexion whether you are standing still, going forward or backward.


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