The Magic of Draping Reins with Deb Bennett, Ph.D. – Archived Event

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


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“What Is Collection? Collection is necessary before a horse can perform more strenuous, more complex, or more beautiful maneuvers. Collection comes in all degrees, from the minimum “rounding up” to the maximum seen in the High School horse or the reined cow horse. Assuming your horse is healthy and sound, he’ll “collect up” for you very happily just as soon as you clarify what you’re asking. Here is a definition of collection. A definition tells “what some- thing is”: Collection is the posture in which weight bearing is easiest on the horse. Let’s unpack this definition by expanding on some of the terms…” – Deb Bennett, Ph.D. from “How Horses Work Installment #5: The Magic of Draping Reins”


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Join Eclectic Horseman contributor Deb Bennett, Ph.D., for a discussion on collection. This article will be a jumping off point for the discussion, please read before class.

The class was held Thursday April 25 via Zoom starting at 6pm MST. (check your time zone here)


1 review for The Magic of Draping Reins with Deb Bennett, Ph.D. – Archived Event

  1. 5 out of 5


    Hi Emily and yet again a brilliant classroom event. THANKYOU. As always Dr. Deb has given us a very educational class where she explains in great detail about every slide that is shown. The visuals help us all to have a deeper understanding of what is being spoken about. The fact that riding can be effortless and that the rising trot can throw the horse of Balance and the head doesn’t have to be vertical to be collected threw a completely new light on how I’ll try to ride in the future. These are just a few of the pointers I took away and the amounts of notes taken that will be revised year after year as my knowledge deepens and enables be to understand more. Dr Deb has a spectacular way of presenting c lasses and an unlimited knowledge of the horse. Not to be missed and just wish that she visited Spain and would be able to ride with her. Many thanks for a terrific series of classes. kind regards Sue Beavis.

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