The Anatomy of Straightness with Deb Bennett, Ph.D. – Archived Event

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


Listen to Eclectic Horseman contributor Deb Bennett, Ph.D., lecture on the anatomy of straightness and answer several questions from the viewers at the end of class. Originally held 2.22.24 enjoy the opportunity to watch this past class. Watch for upcoming classes here.

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Product Description

“Often it has been mentioned in these pages that there are three pillars to horsemanship: feel, timing, and balance. But through carefully listening to the men who were our teachers, and through a careful reading of their books, I have come to believe that there are two more that ‘bracket’ these: straightness, and spirit…. In short, for all disciplines, breeds, styles of riding, and activities, straightness is an absolute prerequisite to true collection.” – Deb Bennett, Ph.D.

Click Link to Read the full article

The class was  held Thursday February 22nd via Zoom.

Please enjoy this recording of the live class to watch online at any time. Here is an outline of the lecture:


1 review for The Anatomy of Straightness with Deb Bennett, Ph.D. – Archived Event

  1. 5 out of 5


    Deb Bennett (Dr. Deb) is vivacious, direct and smart. It’s clear that she loves her topic, and while she might divulge in historical examples, literary quotes, and an anecdote or two that we’ve heard before, these diversions only serve to demonstrate Dr. Deb’s passion for the study of the horse. This is the second of a series of lectures on collection, and for me, the series answered questions I’d struggled with for years. Information about balance, contact with the bit, and horse biomechanics all come together to describe collection and how to ask your horse to learn it. I had several epiphanies from watching this series and my horsemanship has noticeably improved as a result.

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