Human Exercises From The Saddle with Alice Trindle – Archived Event


Watch the video from Alice’s Tip for the Ride in the description. It will be the jumping off point for our class.

The class was  held Thursday October 10th via Zoom.


Product Description

Join Eclectic Horseman and Horseman’s Gazette contributor Alice Trindle for a discussion the exercise she likes to have riders do in the saddle before their ride. You can watch the exercise on Alice’s website under the “Tip for the ride.” (And lots of other great videos!) or scroll down to view.

Alice Trindle shows a series of exercises to supple the human while in the saddle to prepare for a great ride. Starting with the upper body (arms, shoulders, core area) and moving to lower body (hips, ankles, knees, and legs). Wonderful exercises, accomplished from the saddle.


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