Eclectic Classroom – What I Learned About “Turn Loose” From Cancer with Jim Hicks


Join Eclectic Horseman and Horseman’s Gazette contributor Jim Hicks for a discussion on what he learned about the concept of “Turning Loose” through his cancer treatment.

The article Jim wrote for Eclectic Horseman in 2018 will be a jumping off point for the discussion, please read the article ahead of the class. (download it here)

The class will be held Thursday February 15th via Zoom starting at 6pm MST. Once you register for the class you will receive a sign-in link from Zoom that you will use the night of the class to join the live meeting. If you register (even if you can’t attend the live class, a recording will be added to your Mercantile account.)

Note: Registration will be closed 1 hour prior to course starting to ensure delivery of Zoom Link to join class.

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From the article:

“I feel most riders don’t really understand what they are asking from their horse. When we establish a partnership with our horse, we introduce different training tools and have the expectation that the horse should give up their independence and just do what is expected of them without objection. Somehow we forgot that the horse is a living, breathing being with thoughts, feelings, and concerns about the situations we put them in. The problem is that we do not fully understand the mental and physical experiences of the horse in these situations.

I thought that I had a good understanding of what it is like for the horse to turn loose to the situation and allow its body to be directed and confined to structures not of their own choosing, but I realized I had no idea.”

The class will be held Thursday February 15th via Zoom starting at 6pm MST. (check your time zone here) Once you register for the class you will receive a sign-in link from Zoom that you will use the night of the class to join the live meeting.

Please plan on the class lasting at least an hour. We will start with Jim introducing the topic and answering any questions submitted ahead of time on on the forum.

Classes will be recorded and you will have a copy of the class automatically added to your account in The Mercantile where you can watch it again, or if you missed the class watch what you missed!

Have any questions or aspects of the article you’d like to discuss? Post them in the forum ahead of the class!

If you have any questions about the format, or how to use our forum please reach out, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. Use the contact form, or call 303-449-3537.


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