Eclectic Classroom – The Magic of Draping Reins with Deb Bennett, Ph.D.


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“What Is Collection? Collection is necessary before a horse can perform more strenuous, more complex, or more beautiful maneuvers. Collection comes in all degrees, from the minimum “rounding up” to the maximum seen in the High School horse or the reined cow horse. Assuming your horse is healthy and sound, he’ll “collect up” for you very happily just as soon as you clarify what you’re asking. Here is a definition of collection. A definition tells “what some- thing is”: Collection is the posture in which weight bearing is easiest on the horse. Let’s unpack this definition by expanding on some of the terms…” – Deb Bennett, Ph.D. from “How Horses Work Installment #5: The Magic of Draping Reins”


Click here to read the full article

Join Eclectic Horseman contributor Deb Bennett, Ph.D., for a discussion on collection. This article will be a jumping off point for the discussion, please read before class.

The class was held Thursday April 25 via Zoom starting at 6pm MST. (check your time zone here)

Please plan on the class lasting at least an hour. We will start with Deb introducing the topic and answering any questions submitted ahead of time on the forum (on this topic, or any other.) Click here to post questions.

Classes will be recorded and you will have a copy of the class automatically added to your account in The Mercantile where you can watch it again, or if you missed the class watch what you missed!

If you have any questions about the format, or how to use our forum please reach out, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. Use the contact form, or call 303-449-3537.

Note: Registration will be closed 1 hour prior to course starting to ensure delivery of Zoom Link to join class.



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