US Cavalry Training Films – 3 DVD set


Product Description

Three DVD set, total running time 2 hours 23 minutes.

Volume 1 
Saddling and Bridling: Includes proper instruction for folding and placement of the saddle blanket on the horse followed by the various parts of the McClellan saddle and the double bridle explained. Instruction on how to fit the bridle and how to select the correct size bit. Recruits demonstrate under the watchful eye of their instructor.

Mounting, Dismounting, and the Military Seat. A very detailed and important demonstration of the correct mounting and dismounting method used in the cavalry. The four basic elements of the military seat are explained and the correct positioning and use of the rider’s body is shown. Many tips given here will be very useful to today’s riders.
54 minutes

Volume 2
Aids and Gaits.  Also produced by the US Army Signal Corps, this film describes how to motivate the horse to move forward in the various gaits. The four basic gaits: walk, slow trot, posting trot, and gallop are studied in detail using slow-motion photography. The aids of how to control the horse in the gaits are demonstrated. The use and effect and the proper way of holding the reins of the double bridle are shown. Different methods of reining and how to back a horse are demonstrated. Fundamental and combination turns are performed all done by recruits practicing in the four gaits while they are given instruction and their mistakes are corrected.
40 minutes

Volume 3
Suppling Exercises. The object of suppling exercises is to condition the parts of the rider’s body most used in riding such as the neck, shoulders, loins, knees & ankles. Recruits are instructed on these exercises while riding.

Jumping and Cross Country Riding.  This third film in the series of cavalry horsemanship training films produced by the US Army Signal Corps presents a great introduction to jumping obstacles. Safety is addressed first followed by a demonstration of the approach and gymnastics of the jump studied in slow motion. The correct position of the rider over obstacles is shown. Recruits progress from smaller to larger jumps under instruction. Ride cross country with the cavalry as they slide down a very steep slope and then climb back up. Cross a ditch of deep mud. Finishing with a graduation ride! As the final film in learning to be a cavalry soldier as far as riding goes, its purpose is to acquaint the trainee with how to jump obstacles both in the arena and in the field. An excellent introduction to jumping!
49 minutes


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US Cavalry Training Films – 3 DVD set