Safe and Smooth Mounting with David Hillman

Getting off and on a horse can put you in a vulnerable position. David Hillman demonstrates several ways that you can safely mount and dismount. Whether you are riding a young horse, or you are an older rider, or …. an older rider on a young horse, his suggestions will make the mounting and dismounting  […]

An Introduction to Lateral Work with Amelia Newcomb

Introducing lateral work to your horse can feel overwhelming, and if we as riders don’t have a clear concept on the movement we are looking for how can we expect to ask our horses for it? Dressage trainer Amelia Newcomb demonstrates how she approaches training lateral movements starting with leg yield and moving to shoulder […]

An Aid for Riders with Wendy Murdoch

Having tools you can use on your own to improve your position without an instructor are invaluable. In this segment Wendy Murdoch talks a rider through the use of Franklin balls in the saddle to improve leg position and function. The full length of this lesson is 14:50. Please enjoy a preview: Order this issue:

The Ambidextrous Rider Part 1 with Chris Sobenes

In this segment Chris Sobenes introduces the idea of helping to create an ambidextrous rider. Whether you are an instructor looking for tips on helping your students, or a rider who struggles with imbalances in yourself, these segments will give you some great ideas to become more balanced. In this portion Chris works on suggestions […]

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